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Questions About Investing

Why should I invest in the Czech Republic now?
What is prevalence of fraud against investors?
Where is the best place to invest at this time?
What are the expected returns (ROI) over the next 5 years?
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Why should I invest in the Czech Republic now?


What makes the Czech Republic a lucrative investment opportunity is it’s unbeatable location directly in the center of the European Union, which is now the largest free-market trading block on the planet.

The Czech Republic became a member country of the EU in May of 2004. As the country continues to ramp up its infrastructure in anticipation of joining the Euro Common Currency around 2012, high returns on all prudent investments are eagerly expected.

And the best news of all?

The price of choice properties, businesses, consumables and labor in the Czech Republic are still only a fraction (about 20% on average) of what they cost in nearby Western countries like Austria and Germany, (Prague properties excepted).

If all that wasn’t enough, the Czech Republic also features high standards of living, an educated populace, a vibrant economy, a stunning natural countryside and of course, Europe’s most beautiful and modern capital city, Prague.

Additionally, the capital city of the country’s Eastern region of Moravia, Brno (pronounced “BRR – no”), is one of Europe’s rising stars - a thriving European business hub centrally located between Prague, Vienna, Bratislava, Krakov, Munich and Budapest, served by direct flights from London and Prague.

With proper research - and the assistance of a trustworthy local company such as our own and our affiliated real estate professional – the Czech Republic now offers you a unique opportunity to maximize both the value and return of your investment capital like nowhere else in the world at this time, and for the forseeable decade.

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What is prevalence of fraud against investors?


The prevalence of fraud against foreign investors in the Czech Republic cannot be overstated. However, neither should it keep you from investing.

Like any new market opportunity, there are the inherent risks that arise with being one of the first to invest. The Czech Republic is a new market bursting with potential, but which also has its share of money-traps for those who allow themselves to be “rushed” into an investment.

Of course, it is these same risks which serve to keep the prices low and the potential returns enormous, which accurately sums up the current situation here at this time.

The prudent investor will prepare for their participation in the Czech market the same as they would any other investment opportunity:

First: Take the time to learn about the specific markets where you have an interest, and research a little about Czech culture and the way the Czechs do business.

Take it from the pros: the experienced investor hires trustworthy and experienced local contacts, such as our team, to perform due diligence on every investment plan, to complete their legal work, and to represent your best interests in every deal.

With the right team behind you looking out for your best interests, it’s hard to lose in the Czech investment market at this time, as all members of Prague Consult team have proven with our own financial and business investments.

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Where is the best place to invest at this time?


It is not our primary job to tell you where you should invest. Our responsibility, should you hire our team, is to back you up every step of the way to insure that you get exactly what you want. Affordably. Efficiently.

We can certainly assist you with a vast wealth of knowledge, facts and professional (and personal) experience, to assist you in your investment research and planning.

Prague is a dynamic and beautiful city, but it is also expensive due to its popularity. However, a myriad of other lucrative opportunities exist outside of the capital city. Consider Brno, the country’s second-largest city and a booming European business hub (more on Brno). Beautiful family homes and ski-chalets in the countryside are also prime opportunities for investment and holiday purposes.

Any investment depends upon your individual needs and long-term goals. Feel free to email us at anytime and discuss these things with us for a productive discussion, free of charge.

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What are the expected returns (ROI) over the next 5 years?


Returns depend on the type and location of your investment, but expectations in the traditional range of 6-15% are certainly available.

Far more lucrative returns, which carry higher risk of course, are also available with certain properties, such as ski chalets, family homes, large building plots, and certain real estate developments in both the commercial and residential sectors.

This is because of the vast difference in price (typically between 200 – 400%) between properties in the Czech Republic and neighboring European countries like Austria, Germany, Spain and the U.K. where land prices have dramatically risen in just the past few years.

Add the huge foreign interest in purchasing Czech properties and businesses, and this is expected to contribute to a huge sustainable growth in property values, and therefore expected ROI, as the country nears it’s adoption of the Euro in 2010.

Real estate purchases performed this year by our affiliate real estate professional , on behalf of clients, are expected to achieve an ROI of between 15% at the low end, and 20% in the median after all taxes and expenses over the next 18 months.

We feel that ROI in this higher end is certainly repeatable with the proper choice of investment, and are continuing to invest our own funds as individuals with these expectations.

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Real estate investment,  Prague and Brno, Czech Republic

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